1·Pupils attend the school in their own neighbourhood, which in theory removes ranking by school.
2·I used practically a whole bottle of red dye in the frosting, which in earlier days would appall me.
3·Sickness will often then be a result of unresolved inner conflicts which in time show up in the body.
4·We'll have another version of this when we think about Lolita, which in your edition has an essay at the end called "On a Novel Entitled Lolita.
5·For this critic, photography was linked with "the great industrial madness" of the time, which in his eyes exercised disastrous consequences on the spiritual qualities of life and art.
6·A survey I conducted with Irene Whitney found that in British primary schools up to a quarter of pupils reported experience of bullying, which in about one in ten cases was persistent.
7·For example, bedtime procrastination can lead to sleeplessness, which in turn can cause many other health problems.
8·The chook which in the normal one is still hard and can not be eaten!
9·But of course, this is not the start of your child's education which in fact began at birth.
10·All this led to increased wealth, which in turn would attract more immigrants to Teotihuacán.